Tuesday, May 22, 2007


She Make It So

Sure, you had Nena saying everyone was a Captain Kirk in 99 Red Balloons:

You even had El Kirko himself doing a version of Rocketman:

You and I both know that kind of stuff is all well and good, but come on. Nena just used it as a throwaway line, and Shatner was just being goofy. Couldn't anyone come up with a catchy, fun, song for the rocking Trekker in all of us?

Someone could.

Couldn't someone come up with a cool video for said song, with not totally retarded looking props and sets?

Someone could.

Couldn't someone do it in such a way that the first thing that comes to mind as you watch it is NOT the geek nightmare "Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt! Lightning Bolt!"

Someone could.

I give you Warp 11, singing She Make It So:

She Make It So

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