Monday, August 22, 2005


Burger King Rocks Your Cock With Coqroq

If you're like me when it comes to watching TV, you have two styles. First, I keep the TV on in the background, picking up key bits of a show here and there and completely ignoring the commercials. Second, I am actively watching a show, and when commercials come on, I flip to an alternate channel or just mute the sound and ignore the commercials that way. So I don't see many commercials at all. If you have Tivo, you're even better off and can just skip commercials altogether. Which is why the "Coqroq" commercial is totally new to me. But i happened to listen to one of them last night. You might think that Coqroq has some fancy, exotic pronounciation, but you'd be wrong. You see, Coqroq is a band of chickens, or rather, guys dressed in chicken costumes, in Burger King commercials. And Coqroq is actually pronounced "cock rock." Which maybe is what caught my attention in the first place, hearing cock rock in a commercial on a regular broadcast TV channel. Of course we all know that cock is another term for a rooster, so its use is legitimate in that sense regarding a band of chickens, but you and I know they just like the excuse to say cock and get guys like me to watch their commercial. They also have a website that would make many real bands jealous. Information on all things Coqroq is here. You go look now!

Oh, full disclosure demands that I tell you Burger King is paying me nothing in either money or free food. But hey Burger King, if you make the offer, I'm not going to turn you down or anything, so feel free. Oh I should also say that the whole thing is promoting their new chicken fries, but the website linked above has a large amount of band content, and only one small link that clicks to a pic of an order of chicken fries. I haven't tried the chicken fries yet (hint, hint, BK), but if I do, I'll let you know how it goes.
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