Sunday, February 27, 2005


Ghosts Of New Year’s Past

Allie Cat dropped by and reminded me about Nothing Less, about whom I haven’t written much lately. What I recall from where I left off was that they totally kick ass on New Year’s Eve and they’re finishing a cd due out in the spring.

Where we are now is you can hear “Punk Rock Sister” by clicking right here. You go listen now!

And while you’re there, you can hear two songs, “Record Store” and “Rawkstar” from Beyond Therapy, their 2003 CD. You can also hear “In This Town”, from something called Here Goes Nothing. I somehow missed that. Early reports indicate it was due to my lameness. I’m checking for more info.

However, if you want to buy CD’s t-shirts, hoodies, posters, even a DVD of the Record Store video with a cool making of feature included (and you know you do!), you can go to their other site here. You go look now!

And while you’re there, you can also check out their local tour schedule, and since the CD is almost done, they’ve got more time to do kick butt live shows! Looks like the show with the most bands will be a festival show May 14, and what to my wondering eyes should appear? A triumphant return to Alaska to perform at world famous Chilkoot Charlie’s on June 30th! If necessary, you can check out Koot’s place here. You go look now!
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