Sunday, October 03, 2004


Call Of The Wild. Part Eight

You can find part seven here.

I find that it’s time once again to examine my own evolution and see how things are going. Last time, I was a Large Mammal, and I’m still there. Let’s face it. I’m not likely to go much higher. I’ve come semi-far in the ecosystem, all the way to level thirteen (of sixteen) but I’ll have to go three times as far to get the next rung. Continuing the tradition, I shall now take a look at the Large Mammals just above and below me.

My sharp elephant tusks are seeking (one spot above me): The Pink Flamingo Bar Grill. Tagline: None.

This blog is written by Pierre Legrand. He is a political blogger supporting our President. Better yet, I recently got a referral from this site, so it must be good. Smart and funny in places, this blog is a good resource. You’ll find original thoughts and plenty of links to big pieces on the right side of the blog o sphere. Steady pacing with mostly medium length posts. Prescription: Three times a week for one week, then as needed.

My massive elephant feet have trampled (one spot below me): Blog Hot or Not. Tagline: None.

Die blog die!. I don’t know what this site is. Maybe some sort of ad or something. There’s only about five lines, I guess of blogs you could vote on as hot or not. Big whoop. Prescription: Recalled. Do not consume.

Further review of testing data finds that this is a result page for one blog that is part of the Hot or Not universe. There are 100 categories, and blogs are rated by readers. I’m already doing the ecosystem thing, so I’m not going to sign up for this one, but you can. Click some of the links on the page to find out how you can sign up. Updated prescription: Once. Then as needed.
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