Saturday, September 11, 2004


Busy, Busy, Busy, And Thanks

Just a few tidbits:

1. With my new schedule at work, weekday posts will be late afternoon or evenings.

2. Apologies for nothing new yesterday. I had that meeting after work with the new clients I’m co-managing. Because I have another long day today, I went to bed early.

3. I have to sign some contracts today, then another meeting scheduled to last five hours, and then I have that music fest to go to that I talked about here.

4. I’m not likely to be home before midnight. I may or may not post then. I may go to bed and just post Sunday morning.

5. I have prepared nothing about 9/11. I’m sure you’ll find tons of stuff just about everywhere else. Go read them, and then take a few minutes to think about where we are today, and where we hope to be in the future. Then vote accordingly.

6. Getting close to three months now on here. For anyone who has dropped by, all six of you, thanks.
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